Sunday, March 16, 2008

the lyrics

Naomi DeWitt
English 101
Nicole Hancock
The Lyrics
The lyrics to all of these songs seem to have a theme or an idea to share. Richard Cory by Simon and Garfunkel has a two fold meaning. The main part of the song talks about all that Richard Cory has. He is envied. The song says that money and success does not necessarily bring happiness because of the way the song ends. Richard Cory takes his own life.
The next song Fortunate Son by Credence Clearwater Revival says that they are not conformed to the ideas of politics or the supporters of war or the very rich. The writer suggests that he is just a common man with his own ideas and a nonconformist.
Mr. Wendel by Arrested Development is I think asking, what is the meaning of dignity? What do we have to do in life to be seen as a person? Mr. Wendel is a bum but he has his freedom. He is still a flesh and blood human being and he should be able to stand tall.
In Paint Me a Birmingham, by Tracy Lawrence, he is yearning for a lost love. He wants to be back in Birmingham in an ideal dream of what could have been. But, it is out of reach.
In another Simon and Garfunkel song, America, is also about a yearning of sorts. It is a yearning to find oneself. The man is feeling empty and alone. He is traveling from place to place looking for America. Maybe in seeing new places and people he will find his niche and belong.
In Mercedes Benz, by Janis Joplin, she is asking God or praying if you will for the nicer things that life has to offer. She wants to have what (the Jones) her friends have. The song does seem to be done in a playful manner.
I enjoyed listening to all the songs. My favorites were Mr. Wendel and Mercedes Benz. Mr. Wendel because it made me think what might my opinions and how I might react to him. I connected with Mercedes Benz because most people pray or hope for their lives to get better. Why do people play the lottery? I think it is because it give them a little hope to keep going sometimes. Even though we all know that we only get farther by working toward a goal.

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